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pApB pCpD pEpF pGpH pIpJ pKpL pMpN pOpP pQpR pSpT pUpV pWpX pYpZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MAYUR bidi +man & peacocks 34
MURUGAN +peacocks & boy 3
NAVHAL +peacocks 2
NO. 7 MOR CHAND +peacocks 34
PEACOCK +peacocks 3
PEACOCK BRAND +peacocks 3
PREETHI seeds +peacocks 31
SARVANA BRAND +peacocks men 14
SELVI +peacocks 30
SHRI HARI SJM +peacocks 14
STC MOR chai +peacocks 30
TATA-FINLAY +peacocks 30
TEEN MORE BRAND +peacocks 19
peacocks 29
THREE PEACOCKS +peacocks 24
peacocks 30
TRIPLE PEACOCK +peacocks 3
VIRAT thread +peacocks 23
double MAYOOR +peacocks 19
oval & peacocks 30
peacocks 2
A peak +triangle 25
GARGIYA peak of knowledge 41
green peak 30
1 +snowcaped peaks 33
KAREYN +peaks 7
PARAMOUNT +peaks 35
ecg peaks 36, 44
peanut butter and jelly 25
AMPRO peanut kookies 30
CHIKITA nutri peanut snack 29
ENIYA TINKLE peanut snack 30
HAQUE tiffin peanut nougat 30
M&M'S peanut 30
MR. peanut +man 29, 30, 31
REESE'S PIECES peanut butte 30
RUPAREL'S peanut butter 29
SAVVY peanut butter 29
SIXER peanut candy 30
SUNDROP peanut butter 29
VIOLA'S COCOLO peanut 30
BABA FREEZ COLD peanuts 31
peanuts 29
NUTRI FEEDO +peanuts 5, 29, 30
NUTRI FEEDO LITE +peanuts 5, 29, 30
NUTTY NUTS peanuts 29
PARTY roasted peanuts 30
SHREE PARAS GOLD +peanuts 29
URMIN RINGO roasted peanuts 29
nut RAJA coated peanuts +ma 29
shree SAURASHTRA +peanuts 29
pearl & shell 34
pearl +shell 9
pearl GRAPHIK +buildings 16
pearl PAN YU 14
pearl RIVER R +ovals 15
pearl deluxe grape +shell 33
pearl deluxe grape brandy 33
pearl music 9
pearl paradise +flower 14
pearl stone +circle & arcs 19
pearl the beauty +triangle 3
BLACK pearl 11
EMERALD pearl 19
GLAM pearl 3
GOKUL pearl beads +circle 14
ILAM pearl 5, 14
JN INSTA COLOR pearl lustre 2
LITTLE pearl 25
MAGIC pearl KIT +woman 3
MOTEESHREE chalia +pearl 31
NOVA SHARP pearl 9
NOVASHARP pearl 1, 16
OCN pearl 30, 35
OYSTER pearl 19
P house of pearl +globe 25
PARAS original music +pearl 9
PM pearl MUSIC +squares 9
PRAGATI pearl 30
PREMIER black pearl 21
R.K. pink pearl 19
SAAB green pearl +man 31, 34
SADAF +pearl & shell 5
SEEP brand +pearl & shell 34
VINTAGE pearl 11
WATER pearl 3
black pearl 16
gold pearl 34
mandarin pearl 34
purple pearl 25
speech pearl 9
ARJUN pearls 5
BBL estd 1940 +pearls 14
CHANDRANI pearls 14
DABUR garlic pearls 5
I PREFER pearls ! 14
JUMAN beads & pearls 35
MI pearls & diamonds 14
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